
BitFreaks Shootout is loading...

100 BitFreaks are created per season. Season 3 has ended in March 2022. and Season 4 will be hosted at exchange.art - starting at April! Check out the full gallery on our official website bitfreaks.org. Follow our Twitter @BitFreaksNFT for the latest news and join our Discord to chat with the community!

While you're waiting for the game to load, feel free to find out more about us:



Some awesome Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lorem justo, porttitor eu lacinia a, commodo vitae neque. Curabitur pellentesque blandit sapien consequat bibendum. Nam lacinia felis a commodo laoreet. Quisque laoreet, risus ac fringilla aliquet, augue metus condimentum velit, quis congue libero elit at eros. Morbi condimentum lectus non metus facilisis cursus. Nam id dapibus elit. Praesent quis purus ac massa ornare porttitor non quis ipsum.


Our application can be safely run on the latest versions of Apple Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. While other Chromium based browser might work, we recommend the mentioned browsers for highest compatibility.


BitFreaks Shootout is loading...

100 BitFreaks are created per season. Season 3 has ended in March 2022. and Season 4 will be hosted at exchange.art - starting at April! Check out the full gallery on our official website bitfreaks.org. Follow our Twitter @BitFreaksNFT for the latest news and join our Discord to chat with the community!



While you're waiting for the game to load, feel free to find out more about us: